How does Governor Newsom’s initiative compare with the OC Strategic Plan?

By Staff Blogger/ June, 2019

California’s governor, Gavin Newsom, has just signed an executive order that calls for the creation of the Master Plan for Aging. Scheduled for development by October, 2020, The Master Plan for Aging is a foundation from which our government, local communities, private organizations, and philanthropy can look towards in building environments that will help all Californians age with dignity and independence.

The number of seniors living in California is estimated to grow to 8.6 million by 2030 – which is 4 million more than it’s current size.

California’s estimated senior population spike [source]

The plan will aim to stabilize long-term, high-quality and affordable care programs; on top of health and human services, research will also be going towards other social factors involved with aging, such as housing and transportation.

What is also admirable about The Plan is its initiative to include all older Californians, as there are many seniors who are unable to access public programs and services. Governor Newsom remarks, “It must address: person-centered care, the patchwork of public services, social isolation, bed-locked seniors in need of transportation, the nursing shortage, and demand for In-Home Supportive Services that far outpaces its capacity.”

We commend our government for not only addressing, but also actively working towards a solution for the challenges faced by aging Californians as well as their families and caregivers. Governor Newsom’s mandate also brings to mind the Orange County Strategic Plan for Aging, which aims to develop a strategy that will help to establish Orange County as a community that promotes successful aging. While California’s older population is estimated to reach 8.6 million by 2030, nearly 1 million of that population will be contributed by Orange County alone.

The Orange County Strategic Plan for Aging looks towards improving areas like housing, transportation, elder abuse prevention, and healthcare for senior citizens – all in order to support seniors in a county that faces insufficient funds for providing for them. Chairman Jim McAleer outlines the organization’s initiative, stating that “Greater coordination, funding, information sharing and collaboration will be required if we wish for Orange County to successfully support older adults.  We all must do more for those who have helped to build Orange County into the community it is today.”

Californians can look forward to both of these Plans continuing to develop and implement much needed changes and improvements in the lives of our aging population. We at Alzheimer’s Orange County especially are eagerly anticipating the state’s efforts to surpass its long-held system of fragmentation and instead work towards better acknowledging the health of both seniors and their caretakers who are affected by dementia and other ailments.