Being limited to staying indoors might reduce your ability to go outside, but that doesn’t mean you or your loved ones can’t stay active.

To help you stay physically active during this time, we’ve compiled a series of simple, easy-to-follow exercises designed specifically for older adults that can be completed with common household items—no need to leave the house.

Before you get started, please watch these brief videos on how to stay safe while doing different types of exercises and how to choose the right fitness clothing. Remember, only do the physical exercises you’re able to complete safely, comfortably, and that you’re physically capable of.

Consider doing warm-up exercises to help prepare for your main exercise activity. Watch the video below for a warm-up routine you can follow.

Try learning even more types of exercise with the video below. No gym or professional equipment needed!


Help alleviate stiffness, stress, and energize your day by trying out these yoga routines for beginners and older adults. 

To learn gentle yoga stretches you can do while sitting down watch the video below.

Check out the following links for even more ways you can stay active.

Remember, if you find yourself struggling to get motivated to exercise, you’re not the only one. Review these tips to see how you can overcome common barriers you might be facing and download our wellness goals sheet to set weekly objectives to keep yourself accountable. Share with your friends and family to help empower their exercise and wellness routine.